Люди замерзают в своих квартирах и не могут приготовить еду – несколько поселков Калининградской области с утра без электричества
Heavy snowfall caused power outages in several towns in Kaliningrad Oblast, leaving residents without electricity and water for almost a full day. These towns include Slobodskoy, Petrovo, and Holmogorov, with the total number affected likely being higher. Without power, residents faced freezing temperatures and struggled to cook meals, relying on stored water supplies.
The situation was exacerbated by a lack of generator access for many homes.
Heavy snowfall caused power outages in several towns in Kaliningrad Oblast, leaving residents without electricity and water for almost a full day. These towns include Slobodskoy, Petrovo, and Holmogorov, with the total number affected likely being higher. Without power, residents faced freezing temperatures and struggled to cook meals, relying on stored water supplies. The situation was exacerbated by a lack of generator access for many homes.